quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2016

Carnaval... novo prêmio em Bali, Indonesia

Esta mensagem abaixo recebemos no meio de dezembro, comunicando o recebimento do Laurel of Achievement (Prêmio de Realização) no Cinema Grand Prix 2017, entre cerca de 10.000 filmes que competiram nos vários festivais internacionais. Fomos convidados a receber o troféu e certificado em Bali, na Indonésia, mas infelizmente não será possível estar presente na cerimônia do evento, que acontece entre 13 e 17 de janeiro próximo. Encerramos assim um ano repleto de realizações, com prêmios e menções em oito festivais internacionais. Agora vamos para o próximo episódio da trilogia Suite Carnaval, com o documentário Os Reis do Carnaval, onde falamos sobre porta-bandeira e mestre-salas. Bom 2017 para todos

Dear Luiz,

We want to deliver a wonderful news for you. Almost 10.000 films compete in this year competition from various festivals platforms. And your film is chosen among the shortlisted to receive the Laurel of Achievement. We congratulate you for your achievement in Cinema Grand Prix 2017. 

Along the way, we have received numerous requests and suggestions to have an Award Ceremony and possibly a film screening as well. But we know it is not easy to make it happen since it will be very costly and we are a Free festival without submission fee. 

Therefore we have found a solution. We decided to work together with The Festival Service Organization who has a 6 years experience in organizing such events. And with that in January 13-17, 2017 there will be an Award Ceremony for all of you who would like to attend it, and a screening for all of you who would like to have a screening status for your film and want to share your film to the public. But please bear in mind that you will have to sponsor yourself or find a third party sponsorship to fund the cost of your trip, hotel packages, and Award Dinner Ceremony tickets, etc.

... Please contact the Event Organizer at festivalseventorganizer@gmail.com for information on the packages if you want to attend. Top winners and Best film title will be announced there. All attending filmmakers (No representative allowed), will receive Statue of Honor and Certificate of Achievement.
So this is a goodbye from us at Cinema Grand Prix 2017 and congratulation for such excellent achievement. 

Cinema Grand Prix

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